The Dandelion – Philadelphia, PA

The Dandelion is the first place I had in mind when I restarted this blog, as it’s long been my favorite burger in Philly (and one I thought was underappreciated – in part because most people I’ve spoken to tend to lean toward Village Whiskey – until I realized it actually won “Best of Philly” in 2013). So why did it take me more than two months to get there? Well, the downtown location essentially means giving up child care for the night, and I am a loving, doting, unselfish parent who doesn’t like missing bedtime. So when Wife gifted me a burger-night-on-the-town out for being an A+ #1 gold-medal-champion DAD*, I surely knew where to spend it.

*Speaking of being a dad, if you’re wondering why it’s taken almost two months to get this post out the door I’ll just say that having two kids unfortunately pushes burger blogging down the list of priorities to somewhere between “ironing clothes for work” and “emptying the lawnmower bag” and way behind “changing 50 diapers” and “going to sleep at 8pm.”

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